

Richard Sherman

Myra has done a great job for many, many years. Both as a selling broker and representing us as buyers. She has always conducted herself professionally and has given honest counsel and advice. Of all the brokers I have dealt with over the last 45 years, she is quite simply the best.


Lance R Bogart

I have been involved in many multi-Million-dollar Real Estate transactions and have experience with a lot of high-end real estate brokers. Let’s put it this way, “There are only two Real Estate Brokers in Los Angeles, Myra Nourmand and everyone else”.


Rhoda Sharp

Selling’s one house, and actually part of your past, is not easy on any day. She has the ability to make on feel that they are her ONLY customer. Myra is so superb, she fights for you, encourages you, has the most patience of anyone I’ve ever met, she stands on the top of the mountain. Anyone else is second best.


Cary W. Spencer

To be able to sell the home at the full appraised value, for cash with no contingencies, and close in forty days, is great in any market. In the current market, it is truly remarkable. If you ever have a prospect that would like to ask questions about your services, please have them call me. It would be my pleasure to speak with them and suggest that they make a wise choice and retain you. It will be one of the best decisions they make.